I wasn't aware of the Double Down, probably because it's being quietly test-marketed in a few U.S. states. The Huffington Post covered it back in August, and you can check that out here.
Basically, the Double Down takes the idea of a chicken sandwich and replaces the buns with... what else? Fried chicken. That's right - a couple strips of bacon, cheese and sauce are sandwiched between two chunks of chicken. As the ads down in the test markets say, the Double Down has "so much 100 percent premium chicken, we didn't have room for a bun."
The Vancouver Sun did a quick health check on this beast and found it contained somewhere around 1,200 calories and about 125% of your daily fat and sodium intake. A KFC spokesman corrected the newspaper's calculation and said the sandwich only contained about 590 calories. Taking a look at it, that lower number looks somewhat hard to believe.
[This blog post has been slightly modified from the original since, as it turns out, the person who originally made me aware of the Double Down wasn't entirely comfortable being named.]
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